Thursday, February 12, 2009

anxious for spring to arrive

this afternoon, which was delightfully warm and sunny, isaac and i did a brief tour of the garden in search of signs of spring.  within a few minutes, we discovered fresh verdant life poking through the soil.  from the ground and through damp rotting leaves, we found leaves of lenten roses, tips of tulips, tightly wound hyacinth, tender tarragon sprouts, new bits of bergamot and hollyhock, and buds all over our cherry tree and lilac bushes.  my heart lurched.  i hadn't expected such a thing following a recent and frigid ice storm.  but there it was.  nature cycling through into a new season.  those sweet bits of chartreuse restored my soul.  and isaac was pretty pleased too.

for dinner, i made a delicious pasta sauce (not so much due to my cooking skills as the fine ingredients).  we had homemade feta in the fridge (thanks to my talented, generous neighbor).  i made a creamy sauce with olives, sundried tomatoes, fresh cream (from our local dairy farm) and spinach.  isaac ate his simple bowl of noodles with parmesan as geoff and i slurped down our yummy spaghetti.  isaac watched long enough to say "when i'm finished with mine, i'd like some of those long strings but without the leaves."

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