Sunday, July 25, 2010

saturday summer garden

another warm weekend here in Lex.  the tomatoes needed some serious tidying up.  sherry managed to harvest a tasty load of veg including okra, tomatoes, carrots, ground cherries (a new favorite), raspberries, beets, and peppers.

summer backyard

summer backyard

summer backyard

summer backyard

summer backyard

some local peaches from the farmers market topped things off for dessert – peach cake in the cast iron skillet.

peach pie

we also discovered an empty bottle launched over our fence into the Jerusalem artichokes. 

summer backyard

finally, a bonus visit from the kids at SEEDS (a seedleaf and kid’s cafe initiative teaching kids to grow and sell their own veg) who sold their produce from our driveway.

seeds - seedleaf


DICK said...

It's amazing how much can be grown in a relatively small space! What a great deal--$1/pound for fresh, homegrown veggies from the SEEDS kids! Wish I was close enough to make a purchase.

Anonymous said...

Nice one! But okra? "Ew ew okra" as I affectionately call it :P

Damara said...

Looks great. I def. would have stopped to buy some fresh veg.