Friday, December 21, 2007

the friendship of children


it is so clear why jesus illustrated godliness through the example of children.  last night, at an east end neighborhood association christmas party, isaac and another four-year old named malachi struck up a friendship in about two seconds.  as the adults sat and listen to meeting business and waited to line up for some home-cooked food, those two ran amok and had a wonderful time.  i watched them and marveled that they carried no anxieties, no politically correct baggage, no racism or preconceived notions.  they just wanted to pass the time with someone else their size.  they laughed and laughed and immediately appreciated one another's company.  as i observed, i was envious of and schooled by the smallest among us.


1 comment:

WITWATW said...

Aunty Ral misses that beautiful Isaac. xxxx Have a great Christmas you lot!