Friday, January 18, 2008

while geoff's away

isaac awoke in my bed this morning and after a hefty cough, his first words were "i miss daddy."  geoff drove to louisville yesterday with will samson to attend a southern sustainable small farm conference (or something like that) for the weekend.  he was going to join ryan and david wagoner (csa, organic farmer and friend).  last night he heard wendell berry speak.

yesterday afternoon we raced around - stopped in quickly at sayre's preschool art exhibit (there was a lot less black in isaac's art - a good sign),  visited with our dear friends omid, mohammed and aseel (with two beautiful girls - sofi and samara), crossed the city to visit one of omid's friends from turkey who wanted to donate items to refugees, then onward with omid to welcome a young iraqi couple who arrived in lexington at 10 p.m. the previous night.  it was sweet to serve others along side this beloved woman who is like a mother/grandmother to us.  we finished our day around the table of the koch/flower household with a delicious plateful of shepherd's pie made by jodie with local lamb.  isaac and i were so grateful to end the day with a family meal.

this afternoon we will pack some things and spend the weekend with our family - aida, dino and tarik.  isaac and tarik are beside themselves to have a "sleep over" together and i cannot wait for the warmth of their house, the much-loved bosnian cuisine and hospitality, and some cable t.v. with friends.

1 comment:

WITWATW said...

Hey Sherry - we both be work widows this weekend. Sandy is away this weekend on a flying trip. Wish we were close and we could get together - but so glad you have family there you can be with while you are on your own. Love you loads, Ral and girls. xxxxx